“ Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells regular screening exams by Healthcare professionals can result and the detection of the best colon and prostate cancers if these cancers were diagnosed at a localized stage through regular screenings the 5-year survival rate would increase from 82% to 95% need to quote for white black Hispanic and the general numbers. Cancer incidence is rates appear to correlate with variations in diet especially fat intake although the specific dietary factors that affect breast cancer have not been firmly establish Source American Cancer Society cancer facts and figures that was for 2002 we need to update this information for 2018 / 2019
Cancer facts breast cancer facts one an estimated 203500 new invasive cases of breast cancer are expected to occur among women this year for African Americans women with breast cancer the overall five-year survival rate is 71% compared to 86% among Caucasian woman to the earliest sign of breast cancer is an abnormally abnormality that appears on a mammogram before it can be felt by the woman or her healthcare provider breast pain is commonly due to benign conditions and it is not usually the first symptom of breast cancer early detection plan should include clinical breast exams every three years from ages 20 to 39 then every year thereafter semicolon monthly breast exam self-exams beginning at age 20 looking for any changes in the breast Baseline mammogram by the age of 40 than mammograms every one to two years for women 40 to 49, depending on previous findings semicolon mammograms every year for women 50 and older semi call in a low fat diet semicolon regular exercise semicolon and no smoking or drinking. Next 5% of all breast cancers occur in women under the age of 40 the incidence of breast cancer is increasing faster among Hispanic women than any other group 5 new male breast cancer cases will reach 1,500 by this year nearly 30% will die from this disease again this source is for American Cancer Society cancer facts and figures from 2002 and should be and needs to be updated from 2018-2019
Prostate cancer facts 1 an estimated 189000 new cases of prostate cancer are expected and an estimated 30200 deaths will occur this year price I can’t prosecute answer is the second leading cause of cancer death and men too weak or uninterrupted urine flow inability to urinate difficulty starting or stopping the urine flow the need to urinate frequently especially at night, blood in the urine semicolon pain or burning on urination, continual pain in lower back, pelvis or upper thighs are all signs and symptoms of prostate cancer the prostate-specific antigen PSA test and the digital rectal exam taken annually getting at age 50 for men who have a life expectancy of at least 10 years. African American men and women men who have first-degree relative diagnosed with prostate cancer at a young age should begin at age 45.
83% of all prostate cancers are discovered in the local original stages semicolon the 5-year relative survival rate for patients whose tumors are diagnosed at these stages is 100%. The incidence of prostate cancer increases with age; More than 70% of all prostate cancers are diagnosed in men over age 65 African American men have the highest prostate cancer incidences in the world source American Cancer Society cancer facts and figures 2002 that will need to be updated for 2018/2019 ”